In some cases, stepping in early and using certain appliances can prevent the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment down the road.

Interceptive Orthodontics in Greenville, SC
One of the main causes of crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite is genetics. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to prevent inherited traits like jaw or tooth size, and ensure with absolute certainty that your child will never need orthodontic treatment.
That said, losing the baby teeth too early or having poor oral habits (i.e., thumb sucking, tongue thrust, prolonged pacifier use, etc.) can also cause or exacerbate orthodontic problems, such as excessive crowding, overjet teeth and crossbites. When this happens, a child who would have needed a quick round of braces could now require a lengthy course of orthodontic treatment, or even extractions or corrective jaw surgery.
In these cases, interceptive orthodontics might be recommended. With interceptive orthodontics, Dr. Jon Chay or Dr. Martha Hendrix uses an appliance like a habit-breaking appliance or dental space maintainer to intercept an emerging issue before it turns into a full-blown problem. This can eliminate the need for extractions or jaw surgery and reduce the amount of time spent in orthodontic treatment when a child is older.
To learn more about your child’s options for dental space maintainers and habit-breaking appliances in Greenville, SC, explore the pages below or schedule a visit at Oak Tree Pediatric Dentistry by calling us at (864) 232-3333!
Habit-Breaking Appliances
These specialized dental appliances can stop harmful oral habits to keep your child’s smile development on track.
Dental Space Maintainers
If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, a dental space maintainer will save room for the permanent tooth below it to erupt properly.